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Back to school...Star Wars style

Back to school season just got cooler with these DIY R2D2 mason jars, perfect for your school supplies. These jars are super fun and easy to make, and great for holding your pens and pencils.

Let's talk materials:

- black, brilliant red, cobalt blue hue and white acrylic paints (I love Winsor and Newton but any brand works)

- 1 mason jar

- 3 paint brushes (one thick, one thin, and one small square shape)

- blue sharpie

- white out

- paint palette or paper plate


*Lay down paper towels or newspaper on your workspace. No messes here!*

1. Squeeze a glob of white paint onto your palette and paint a thin layer of paint onto the mason jar with your thick brush.

*TIP: If your hand is small enough, put it inside the jar and hold it upside down while you paint it. This way you can paint and let it dry without missing a spot.*

2. Once your first layer has dried, paint on another coat. Repeat this step one more time until all 3 layers of white paint dries on your jar.

3. Take your dark blue sharpie and carefully draw a rectangle towards the top of the jar.

4. Underneath the rectangle you just drew, leave a little space and draw a smaller rectangle to the right and a square to the left, as seen below. Keep your sharpie lines straight and in line with the large rectangle above.

5. With your blue paint, fill in the outlined shapes with the thin brush, making sure to stay in the lines.

6. Let the first coat dry and then add another until the shapes are a solid blue.

7. On to R2's eye! Take your black paint and thin brush and carefully draw a medium sized circle in the center of your large rectangle. Make sure its nice and dark.

8. Next, add a small, red circle with the thin brush in the smaller rectangle. Place this one more to the right.

*TIP: Make sure you wash your brush before using it for another color. This way you don't mix paints.*

9. Take your thin brush and carefully paint 3 thin lines with blue paint underneath the shapes. Make sure they are thin and don't stress if the color isn't perfectly consistent throughout.

*TIP: use white out if you accidentally paint outside the lines or make any mistakes! (This saved me!)*

10. Let your jar dry and boom! You did it!

Use your pencil holder for pens, pencils, and paint brushes. I hope you enjoyed this craft! Make sure to share and subscribe to this blog for more fun DIY's like this! If you have any questions contact me. Happy back to school and may the force be with you!

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