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The Last Jedi - Movie Review

A stubborn pilot, a graceful general, a suspicious commander, a bitter man, and two lonely apprentices appear in the thrilling new episode of the Star Wars Saga, The Last Jedi. Upon its release on December 15, 2017, millions of fans have flocked to movie theaters around the world to see this blockbuster. If you still haven't seen the movie, I would suggest you drop what you are doing and hurry off to the theater! (Well, after you read this!)

TLJ picks up right where The Force Awakens left off. Rey is off calling on Luke Skywalker, Leia and Poe are escaping the First Order once again, and General Hux is, well, being Hux. The movie is action backed, with plenty of air battles, lightsaber action, and porgs. I spent most of the movie with my hands over my mouth, surprised at all the twists this film possessed.

Unlike most Star Wars films, it has taken me a while to get used to the new feel of the film. It could be the switching of directors (From JJ to Rian) or the fact that Disney had a bigger impact on the movie itself, but I had to watch it for the second time to fully appreciate and understand the plot. Some of the humor felt odd for a Star Wars film, but after my third time watching the movie I accepted the new feel better than the first time. The third time I went to see TLJ I cried more than I did the first time (I'm a movie crier so not crying the first time surprised me).

But overall, I love the movie. My favorite lightsaber battle of all time is in this film, so that is saying something. I have been disappointed to see all the hate that the movie has been getting. It took me a few times to get used to the new film, but it made me disappointed that many people wanted to have it removed from the Star Wars Saga. It is disappointing to see fans hate on all the hard work this cast and crew had done to make this film what it is. I LOVED it and I hope you do as well!

It's been a hot second since I have posted last, so I apologize for my long disappearance! (School has been getting crazy!) I have just finished midterms and I have a free weekend! Woot woot! So I am free to do some DIYs! Let me know what you guys want to see. I have also been revamping my room Star Wars style, so be sure to subscribe to this blog to get updates on all my Star Wars crafts and more! I have lots planned so be sure to follow my Instagram @thediyjedi for updates and memes :) Have a fabulous day and may the force be with you!


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