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Help a fellow Jedi out (pls)

Well, it's been a hot second.

Hi, my name is Rachel and I have finally purchased a computer. Yes, yes, I know it's a little shocking, but I can now finally do my work on something that is faster than my dead grandmother. I got a Mac Pro, and although it has only been a few days, I am loving this more than Han Solo likes to smolder (and that is saying something).

So I naturally thought that, in honor of purchasing a piece of technology that is more accurate and reliable than a stormtrooper's shot, I would give you all a life/blog update for any and all people who care.

So here's the tea.

Lately I have been very busy (okay this is my usual excuse for not posting) but it's true! I have a job and summer work (that I have yet to complete for school) so my plate is full. But I have so many dreams, sis, so many visions for this page and maybe a new one (will get to that later) but that is my invalid excuse for not posting even though I'm sure only my parents read these (hi mom!).

Regarding my Instagram page, that has just been a mess. I've come to a point in which I want to ditch it. Don't get me wrong, I FREAKING LOVE THIS PAGE AND MY INSTA. But my problem is that it limits me to ONLY Star Wars content. I love Star Wars, but that isn't my only interest. I also love technology, drawing, fashion, writing and reading, etc. So I'm in a little bit of a pickle. I've met so many great people and have done so many fun things, and I don't want to let go of that, but I would love to reach a bigger audience that includes Star Wars fans and many more people. I love blogs so much!

So you need to help a fellow Jedi out. Comment on this post or on my Instagram (@the_diy_jedi) what I should do. Should I create a new blog? Or should I stick with this? And should I buy a pet porg?

Hard decisions await me.

Anyways, thanks for reading this random post! If you aren't already following me on Instagram hit that follow button there it's pretty easy and be sure to subscribe to this blog! Have a great rest of your day and fly casual.

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