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Memories from Around the Galaxy

What is one of your earliest memories of being a Star Wars fan? I asked you all on my Instagram, and you delivered! Here are your memories. I love each one. Star Wars brings a lot of people together, and remembering the first time we saw a SW film can bring sweet memories. Read on, Star Wars lovers!

"The first time I saw Star Wars was at three years old, it was Episode 2! My mom brought it home from the library and put it on to see if I would like it. I fell in love and watched it approximately 300+ times before I discovered there were more movies. It was all in changing experience of seeing a Star Wars movie in theaters with Force Awakens!"

- @starringcarriefisher

"When I was younger, I was convinced I had the force and that one day, my Mace Windu purple lightsaber would be real..."

- @_prequel_memes

"Phantom Menace came out when I was four years old, and my uncle made sure to show me all the original trilogy before it came out. I have a distinct memory of him reading Jabba's subtitles in Return of the Jedi out loud so I knew what he was saying. Here I am twenty years later as big a nerd as he was."

- @roselcosplay

"My first time watching Star Wars was in 2007, I had the flu and I was bedridden so I remember my dad coming to me with three VHS tapes saying, 'You will like these.' I remember seeing the opening scene where R2 and C3PO are preparing to get boarded by Darth Vader and I was like, 'this is amazing,' even though I was seven. By the time I realized Darth Vader was Luke's father, I got out of bed and was like, 'Dad you won't believe this! DARTH VADER IS LUKE'S DAD!' and later, 'Luke and Leia are siblings!'"

- @sstrwars

"The first time I saw Star Wars I was four years old on the lounge floor watching Leia sass the enemy for the first time. I remember watching the originals, (and being confused) and then watching the prequels thinking to myself, 'Ohhhh. This makes so much sense now.' After I had seen all six I spent the next two weeks re-watching them as much as possible completely out of order. I'm saying Episode five and Episode two, then maybe Episode one in the same day. I also remember getting annoyed at the bad guys' idiot choices. Imagine a four year old with Irish heritage yelling out 'DARTH VADER ARE YOU SERIOUS?? YOU ALREADY BUILT A DEATH STAR AND OH GREAT it just got blown up HOW PREDICTABLE YOU MASKED MORON.' I loved the Ewoks and my family are constantly making Star Wars jokes at random moments. Obsessed since four years old."

- @missmusiccat

"The first time I saw Star Wars was later than most little kids. I was in fourth or fifth grade when my dad told me I would LOVE the Star Wars movies. He showed me A New Hope, and I was hooked. The one moment I remember was when Leia's message was shown to Obi Wan. I was awed by the technology and I immediately wanted to be Leia. I was her for Halloween that year. From there, I watched the movies as much as I could with my dad, but when I got older and saw the Force Awakens, I REALLY got into Star Wars."

- @the_diy_jedi

I hoped you enjoyed these! I will be doing more polls/questions like this, so be sure to follow my Instagram (@the_diy_jedi). Be sure to subscribe to my blog to be notified when I post again.

Have a great day, but don't get cocky. ;)


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